Everyday our little boy gets bigger and continues to take in all his new surroundings. Everywhere we go he loves to look around at everything. We love seeing him smile and we certainly get lots of them every day. He is getting more vocal, not with the screaming, but it seems he is really trying to talk to us.
My mothers group organised a baby massage class a few weeks ago and we all had so much fun. All the babies loved to get their legs, arms, bellies and heads massaged.
He loves laying on his beautiful quilt that one of our friends mum made for Sebastian, except when he is on his tummy, he doesn't like tummy time and always cries when we put him on his tummy. He has even rolled over onto his back because he hates it so much!
Last week my mothers group organised a Christmas party, below are all the babies with their Christmas nappies on, how cute! Sebastian had his first trip on a boat, it was a luxury yacht owned by one of the other mothers and we even got to watch the big boat race on the harbour.
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